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  • John Schuppan

Miracle Whip Chocolate Cake

Updated: Jun 9, 2019

Why not?

I've got this one in the oven now for dinner tonight! I think I'll change the name for my guests...

Miracle Whip Chocolate Cake

What you’ll need:

1 cup of Miracle Whip

1 cup of Sugar

4 T of Coco powder

2 t of baking soda diluted in 1 cup of warm water

2 cups of sifted flour

1 t of vanilla

Pinch of Salt

Mix together Miracle Whip, sugar & coco. Dilute the baking soda in the warm water and add to mixture along with sifted flour. Stir in a 1 teaspoon of vanilla and the pitch of salt until all is blended well. Bake 25-30 mins at 350 degrees.

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